Welcome. Nature and Nurture is a Preschool Age Class offered in collaboration with the Pleasant Valley Recreation and Parks District. On our website, you can find this week's lesson plans, this month's snack menu, upcoming events, our policies, and more. Please have a look around.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lesson Plans 3/20/13 - 3/22/13

Songs: Open Shut Them
           10 Little Flowers

Sensory: Shredded Paper

Book: Keisha Ann Can
Circle: Scattegories Jr*
Art: March Gift

Book: Biscuit Goes to School
Circle: What's Missing?**
Art: March Gift

* This is a great phonics game you can play at home. It is creative, cooperative (rather than competitive) and does not require any special materials. Write a single letter each on 26 post its or index cards. Write some simple categories, one each, on post its or index cards. For example, animals, vegetables, toys, etc. Have your child choose one letter card and one category card. Together, think of as many items that as you can that both fit the category and letter chosen. Write them down. Play a few rounds and see which list is the longest.

** This is a memory game that is easy to play. Gather 5 simple household items and a dish towel. Tell your child the name of each item as you point to it. Then cover all 5 items with the towel, slip your hand under the towel and remove one item before displaying the remaining items. Ask your child what is missing. You can give hints if needed. You can use more items to make the game more challenging.

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